Salt Cave (Halotherapy)
Salt Cave (Halotherapy)
Breathing in salt aerosol is known as halotherapy, a natural and holistic way to improve overall health and well-being. Halotherapy involves inhaling salt particles that are dispersed into the air in a controlled environment, such as a salt cave or a halotherapy room.
These are the top eight benefits of Halotherapy:
1. Improves Respiratory Conditions
Halotherapy has been proven in various double-blind clinical trials to improve various respiratory conditions including Asthma, Emphysema, Chronic Bronchitis, Cystic Fibrosis, Cold and Flu symptoms, and various types of allergies.
2. Boosts Immune System
Halotherapy has been shown to enhance immune system function which, in turn, staves off diseases and helps to accelerate healing in the body.
3. Improves Overall Sense of Well-Being
Halotherapy has been shown to reduce stress and improve our overall sense of well-being.
4. Improves Skin Conditions
Halotherapy has been shown to improve skin conditions such as Eczema, Psoriasis, and acne.
5. Improves Athletic Performance
Halotherapy has been shown to increase energy output and improve athletic performance.
6. Detoxifies the Body
Halotherapy has been shown to detoxify the body.
7. Improves Anxiety and Depression
Halotherapy has been shown to improve symptoms of certain mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.
8. Reduces the Signs of Aging
Halotherapy has been shown to reduce the signs of aging.
For more information, including the origin and history of salt therapy, please see our resource page.
What is a Halogenerator?
No matter how much salt décor or how many Himalayan salt boulders and bricks a salt room has, it is still necessary to have a halogenerator in order to provide effective halotherapy.
High-quality Halogenerators play the most important role in providing effective therapy. They crush the salt crystals to approximately 0.1-2 micron-sized particles that we are able to breathe in. An efficient machine crushes the salt to the desired size without producing too many large particles. Large particles are unnecessary waste that usually ends up on the floor below the halogenerator inside the room, instead of reaching our lungs and skin.
How do Halogenerators work? Traditional Halogenerators have four main parts.
The Mill
One of the most important parts is the Mill — an extremely high RPM motor and the blades that are attached to it.
The Feeder
The feeder supplies the salt to the mill.
The Fan
A precisely calibrated fan pushes the micron-sized salt particles into the room or cabin.
The Housing
The design of the housing is just as important as the design of the Mill. A well-engineered halogenerator will not let the larger than-desired particles leave the generator by forcing them to fall back onto the Mill’s blades until they are crushed small enough and light enough to be blown out by the fan. The housing also serves as protection against humidity inside the unit. To achieve the best results, a high-quality plastic housing and parts are used in the best-performing halogenerators.
Metals transfer heat at a significantly higher rate than plastics. This creates higher than-acceptable humidity inside the generator and more noise in the salt room. Salt needs to be as dry as possible to be crushed into micron-sized particles. Salt rooms are typically air-conditioned and relatively cool. At the same time, the salt is heated, causing instant moisture condensation on the Halogenerator’s metal surfaces.
The other reasons for avoiding metal parts are corrosion and vibration. Plastics are viscoelastic and do not transfer vibrations nearly as well as metals, resulting in much quieter operation.
The latest and most advanced halogenerator technology is a hybrid method, incorporating both mill technology and cyclone technology. These machines are much more effective at producing only the desired-sized salt particles and require much less maintenance. Currently, the only halogenerators using this technology are the HaloGX PRO and the HaloIR.

Salt Cave Pricing
- 30-Minute Session — $35.00
- 45-Minute Session — $45.00
Fit Members
- 30-Minute Session — $25.00
- 45-Minute Session — $35.00